We care about your privacy

General information

Our website contains links to the websites of other companies or organisations. Please note that is not responsible for the content of such websites or their privacy practices. Therefore, if you access other websites from the website, you should consult their privacy policies separately.

You can set your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies or to notify you when a cookie is sent. Every browser is different, so if you don’t know how to change your cookie settings, please refer to your browser’s user guide. Your device’s operating system may have additional cookie controls. If you do not want cookies to collect information, you can refuse the use of cookies in your browser settings. To find out more about how to manage cookies, please visit:

In some cases, deleting cookies may slow down the speed of your web browsing, restrict certain features of the website or block access to the website.

These provisions may be subject to change without notice, as we comply with the legislation governing the use of cookies and take into account generally accepted practices regarding the use of cookies. (hereinafter referred to as “OS”) on its website uses cookies.

General Data Protection Regulation

What does the acronym GDPR stand for?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – the European Union (EU) Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing and transfer of personal data (“the Regulation”).
The aim of the Regulation is to protect the privacy of natural persons in the EU and to harmonise the laws of European countries. The Regulation was adopted by the European Parliament in 2016. 27 April

The General Data Protection Regulation lays down the principles governing the collection, storage, destruction and other processing of personal data.

When do the new requirements come into force?

The Regulation enters into force in Lithuania in 2018. 25 May and it is an overriding legal act over and above the Personal Data Protection Act or other Lithuanian legal acts regulating the processing of personal data.

Who has to comply with this Regulation?

The requirements of the Regulation apply to all companies, bodies and organisations processing personal data. Banks, insurance companies, medical institutions, retailers, etc. must comply.

Is the Regulation only about personal data?

Yes, in most cases, the Regulation only applies to and concerns personal data. However, data relating to legal persons may also include personal data. This includes, for example, information on shareholders, board members, etc.

How does the Regulation affect Office Service customers?

We comply with data security and data protection requirements, so the Regulation will only have a limited impact on our relationship with our customers. The Regulation sets out the ways in which customers can control the use of their data.

To ensure compliance with the Regulation, we have reviewed and updated our contracts and other customer documents and internal procedures.


Cookies are small files of information that the browser on the device you are using (computer, phone or tablet) receives from the website you are visiting and stores on your device. Cookies allow the website to remember information about your browsing habits, actions and settings so that you can use the full functionality of the website. Cookies also allow us to monitor the frequency of visits to the website and to collect general statistical information about the number of visitors to the website. website uses cookies

Cookies are designed to improve the performance of the website and collect anonymous general information about the use of the website. These cookies are temporary and disappear when you leave the website or close your browser.Permanent cookies analyse the behaviour of visitors to the website and collect general statistics on the number of visitors, the pages visited, the time spent on the website, and from where the visitors came to our website. Cookies do not track everything a visitor does on the website, nor do they store the passwords used by users.

Descriptions of the cookies used on the website:

  • Determines whether JavaScript is running in the user’s browser;
  • Determines which device the user is using when visiting the website and displays an image tailored to their device;
  • Protects the settings selected during the session;
  • Used by Google Analytics to collect statistical information about website traffic (information about the browser used, computer, visits, time spent);
  • “Google Analytics collects information about the number of times a user has visited a website;
  • “Google Analytics collects information about where the user came to the website from and what search brought them to the website;
  • Uses Google Analytics to measure the user’s visit goals, to generate reports on website activity for website operators and to improve the user’s experience when visiting the website;
  • “Google Analytics collects information about the device used by the visitor;
  • “WordPress cookies to ensure the smooth running of the website;
  • “Swift perfomrance Lite , ensuring faster web page loading, general optimisation;
  • “iThemes cookies, which ensure the security of the website.

You can set your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies or to notify you when a cookie is sent. Every browser is different, so if you don’t know how to change your cookie settings, please refer to your browser’s user guide. Your device’s operating system may have additional cookie controls. If you do not want cookies to collect information, you can refuse the use of cookies in your browser settings. To learn more about how to manage cookies, please visit:

In some cases, deleting cookies may slow down your internet browsing speed, restrict the functionality of certain website features or block access to the website.

Our website contains links to the websites of other companies or organisations. Please note that is not responsible for the content of such websites or their privacy practices. Therefore, if you access other websites from the website, you should consult their privacy policies separately.

These provisions may be subject to change without notice, as we comply with the legislation governing the use of cookies and take into account generally accepted practices regarding the use of cookies.

Data processing

What data is processed by Office Service ?

In certain cases, we process personal data for specific purposes and do not keep it for longer than necessary. We only process data that is necessary for the provision of the services chosen by the client.

The Office Service processes personal data of customers in one or more of the following cases:

  • to conclude and perform contracts
  • in accordance with the law
  • in the pursuit of legitimate interests
  • subject to the client’s consent

It uses customers’ personal data for content and marketing campaigns, sweepstakes, commercial communications and other similar activities only with the consent of the customer. More detailed information on the processing of personal data is set out in service contracts and other documents related to the services.

How long do we keep personal data ?

Office Service only processes customer data for as long as is necessary for one or another specific purpose in order for Office Service to fulfil its obligations to its customers and to comply with the legal requirements of data processing. For example, customer data is kept for as long as the contract with the customer is valid. In order to protect the legitimate interests of the Office Service, the data may be retained for up to ten years after the end of the contract. Legislation may impose requirements for the Office Service to retain data for a certain specified period of time.

Data processing rules

The Office Service has produced a document, the Data Processing Policy, which comes into force in 2018. 25 May This document is available from the Office Service units. This document describes in more detail where the Office Service obtains personal data, the purposes for which it processes it and the basic principles of data processing.

Who has access to this data ?

For example, Office Service can share customer data in the following cases:
1. if the data is requested by public authorities in cases provided for by law (e.g. the Bank of Lithuania, the State Data Protection Inspectorate, the Financial Crimes Investigation Service, etc.);
2. if it is necessary for the provision of any service in the performance of the contract. It may be the case that data processing companies (data processors) can use the Office Service on your behalf. The Office Service must take the necessary measures to ensure that authorised processors process data in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Office Service, comply with the security and confidentiality requirements set out, and act in accordance with the law.

If you have any questions about data processing, please send us an email. email:

For more information, please read our data processing policy or view our information on cookies.

Office Service .lt data processing policy

We aim to keep you fully informed about the processing of your personal data, whether you interact with us in person, electronically (for example, through our mobile applications or websites) or in any other way you choose. To this end, we have prepared a data processing policy to inform you about how we collect, use and share your personal data provided by you or otherwise collected by us. This is to ensure the fair and transparent collection and use of information about you. This Policy is available to you when you visit an Office Service office.

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