logotipas stipriausi lietuvoje 2020


We’re ready to work for you

Main address

J. Savickio g. 4, LT-01108 Vilnius

Hours of work

I - IV 10h -15h - V 10h -14h

El. Email



+370 606 97843


Contact form

Choose one of the options so we understand who you are.
Please specify the reason for contacting. In the content of the message, please clarify and describe which service you choose.
Please select the address where you want to register or assign a service.
Please specify what type of consent you need for the Registry Center. This field is only required for a legal entity. If you are a natural person, mark "Not required"
The field is not required, but if you want us to call you, please write your phone number with the full country code (eg: +370...)
Write the name of the company after your name.
Specify your e-mail
Briefly indicate the subject of the contact.
Write your message. If you want to order a service, please indicate which service you are interested in.

How to find us ?